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To create a new CMR Consignment Note, sign in or sign up. Fill the mandatory fields. Specify a valid email address, you will receive an activation link. If activation message is missing, check the spam/junk folder. If the problem persists, contact us here.

Sign up

Company: your company's name
Contact name: your name
Email: your valid email address
Password: must be at least 5 character
Primary language: first line of the CMR waybill (Sender, Consignee, Carrier etc.)
Secondary language:second line of the CMR waybill

Default print layout: Set the number of sheets (Copy for the Sender, Copy for the Carrier, Copy for the Consignee, Extra copy 1, Extra copy 2, Extra copy 3). You can modify it in the My Account menu.

Phone: use with a country code
Website: to improve our work, type your website url.
Enter the characters shown in the image: click the refresh button if not readable.

New CMR waybill

Fill the form as usual. We don't check it's correct or blank. Recommended fields:
1. Sender
2. Consignee
3. Place of delivery of the goods
4. Place and date of taking over the goods
6-12. Marks, number of packages, method of packing, nature of the goods, weight
16. Carrier
21. Established in + date
24. Tractor license plate, Trailer license plate

Start type to the fields, automatic completion will display, contains similar data from the previous CMR waybills and from the templates. Use a mouse click to select the correct one.
→ → →
Below the form, select the copies to print.

Preview download a print preview in PDF format.
Save as template Save a form as a template, you can modify, delete or load as new CMR Consignment Note
Save Saves the data and generates a serial number. Can be edited later.
Save & Print download the CMR Consignment Note in PDF format. Will be redirected to the History list. Please allow pop-up window for this website. Otherwise you can choose for print from the list.


Prior CMR Consignment Notes. All downloadable or load as a new CMR waybill. The drop-down menus used for filtering Sender, Consignee, date.


List of templates. Load as new CMR waybill, modify or delete. To modify, click Edit, fill the form correctly, then click the Save button. Preview button downloads the print preview in PDF format.

My account

Modify your account details. If you would like to change your password, type a new one into the fields, otherwise leave them empty.
Adjust the languages of the printed CMR Consignment Note.

Set the default print layout for the copies (Copy for the Sender, Copy for the Carrier, Copy for the Consignee, Extra copy 1, Extra copy 2, Extra copy 3).

To save the changes, click the Save button.

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