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CMRSoftware API

CMR consignment note with one click!

The CMRSoftware API is a service that allows companies to automate and simplify the handling of consignment notes without having to copy or type data.

CMR consignment note directly from the ERP system, with one click.

Automated data communication

The CMRSoftware API provides machine-to-machine communication between the ERP system and the API. This means that the systems communicate directly with each other, eliminating the need for manual intervention or data copying.

No login required

The service is fully accessible from the corporate system, so users do not need to log in to the website. This is convenient and saves time, as the data is transmitted directly and automatically.

Simplified process

With the API, consignment note handling becomes simpler and faster. The system automatically generates and transmits the necessary data, minimizing the possibility of human errors and improving process efficiency.

How does it work?

The user's system sends the data of the sender, recipient, carrier, and products listed in the consignment note or invoice to the CMRSoftware API. In response, the CMRSoftware API sends back the filled-out CMR consignment note.


Encrypted connection and IP address restriction


The features are the same as CMRSoftware Online services:
Creating, modifying, previewing CMR consignment notes
Listing CMR consignment notes
Downloading CMR consignment notes

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